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Monday 27 July 2015

Obama Hit on Kenyan Goverment Opposition

Kenyans including the opposition and the govt turned out in large numbers at the Safaricom Kasarani indoor arena on Sunday to listen to the U.S president Barack Obama's speech. 

Obama in his speech insisted that corruption was the biggest stumbling block to development in the country.

The U.S president added that there will be a better relation between Kenya and the U.S and that his govt will help in the fight against terror in the country.

During his three day visit to Kenya U.S president Barrack Obama has called on the opposition to put aside their interest and work with the current govt.

Speaking when he met the opposition at the Kasarani indoor arena, Obama told them that the current govt was legally elected and they should team up for developments. 

He met the opposition leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Martha Karua in the arena after addressing Kenyans.

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