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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Opinion: Mutua in a political 'Island'

Of late Machakos county Governor Dr Alfred Mutua have not been seen or heard in any event or political event unlike before.

Since when he was elected Mutua has enjoyed airplay and praise for his development projects in the county which saw the county be announced numbered one in the country by research institutions.

This was not all as Mutua rubbished claims of a plan to impeach him from the Wiper party for what they termed as disloyalty for working closely with the govt of the day which saw president Uhuru Kenyatta visit Machakos county two time in three years of service.

The difference between governor Mutua and Senator Johnston Muthama has also been thought to be the other cause of why Mutua is standing between the lines of ditching wiper and joining the current govt.

All this made many people think that Mutua could be the next Ukambani kingpin after Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

And as Mutua used to say “Leadership Mantle is not given, it is taken”, made it look like he is working to take the Ukambani kingpin mantle from Kalonzo without waiting for his master to retire.

Things though seems to have changed for Mutua since when renown Ukambani leaders Charity Ngilu and Kalonzo Musyoka who have been arch rivals for a long time seem to be reading from the same script.

Governor Mutua who seemed to enjoy the division of the Kamba community caused by the differences between Ngilu and Kalonzo now looks like he is shocked as nobody expected the two to reunite.

As Lupita said “Your dreams are valid” but those of Mutua carrying the day seems to be shuttered confused which way to go, will he bow down to his seniors or will he join the Jubilee govt as earlier thought which currently has no command in the Ukambani region?

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Five die in Kimana road accident

Five people have died on the spot in a grisly road accident along the Emali-Oloitoktok highway early Tuesday morning.

The tragic road accident occurred after the vehicle they were traveling in lost control hitting an electricity pole killing instantly all the five occupants.

One of the witnesses says that he found the vehicle after the accident but thought they were thugs escaping the scene.

“I found the vehicle but I never thought it was an accident, I escaped thinking it they were robbers...” the witness said.

Oloitoktok OCPD Hurbert Khaemba says that he could not immediately establish the cause of the accident since they were no other vehicles on the road.

Area residents either say that the driver of the vehicle might have been drunk with Khaemba indicating that by judging the extend of damage the driver seems to have been over speeding. 

Investigations to the cause of the accident are underway with the body of the deceased taken to Oloitoktok Mortuary. 

LSK Mombasa branch seek to impeach CJ Mutunga

Members of the law society of Kenya, Mombasa branch on Monday started collecting signatures in support of a petition seeking to remove CJ Willy Mutunga from office.

The group are accusing the CJ for marginalizing the Mombasa station in posting of Judges and Magistrates.

The lawyers also say that they have not got any replacement of judges who have been transferred from Mombasa from the 1st of May.

Due to this many cases have been forced to be postponed with many people not receiving justice at the right time. 

According to the lawyers the petition which is due to be presented to the parliamentary committee also seek to dissolve the judiciary.

Capital FM presenter interviews Obama

There was many questions than answers within Kenyans on who among the Kenyan journalists will interview U.S president Barack Obama during his visit to the country.

Some thought that KTN's Jeff Koinange had the upper hand as well as NTV's Larry Madowo but the expections didn't come true.

Guess who got the task to do this highly waited interview?!!!: 
Capital FM presenter Olive Burrows is the presenter who represented the media, interviewed Obama for 19 minutes. The longest media interview the president had during the visit.

Catch the interview here...

Monday 27 July 2015

Opposition leaders release memorandum presented to Obama

Cord leaders have just released to Kenyans the memorandum they presented to U.S president Barack Obama during his visit to the country.

The opposition leaders used this platform to dismiss claims that the U.S president Barack Obama criticized them for seeking his intervention on challenges facing the country.

This is the memorandum the Opposition leaders presented to Obama....


We made a promise to share the substance of our discussion with President Barack Obama and to disclose the contents of our memorandum to him. We are here to keep our word.

First, we take this opportunity to thank President Barack Obama for visiting our country and helping turn the spotlight on the opportunities we are yet to fully exploit, the challenges that we need to turn into opportunities and matters that we need to summon courage and confront head on.

We also appreciate the time the President spared to listen to our thoughts on what Kenya and the US can jointly do as long standing friends for mutual progress.

Our first words to President Obama during our meeting yesterday was that he had addressed literally everything we had lined up to appeal for US support to Kenya on. That made our work easy and helped us save on time.

It became extremely fitting that the President chose to meet the Opposition after his address to the Nation.

We would otherwise have been accused of influencing the President’s speech and conspiring against the country.

We however note with appreciation that President Obama raised vital points on democracy, including the role of the opposition, the citizens, civil society and the government. He made it clear, as we have always said, that democracy requires that dissenting voices and the search lights of the media and civil society need to be strengthened, not muzzled or put off.

The President boldly addressed the question of corruption saying it is tolerated because that's how it's always been done. We have warned about this before, and we intend to continue our crusade against corruption, which costs Kenya about 250,000 new jobs every year. It has contributed to Kenya sliding steadily down the annual list of Failed States listed by Fund for Peace to 17th from the bottom globally in 2013.

The President adequately addressed the politics of tribalism that is holding our country back, and warned against second names being used to deny people jobs or to award them the same. We have raised this countless times in our stand against exclusion in public affairs.

As we have done and will continue to do, the US President warned against the economics of exclusion and termed them fodder for extremist groups. We have sounded this alarm. This has been at the heart of our call for the strengthening of Devolution as a way of ensuring equitable development across our country. We shall continue with the crusade.

The significance of the President’s speech, which is reinforced in our discussions with him, is that we can solve our problems as a nation. All of the issues President Obama raised in his address in Kasarani are the very same ones we have been raising for the past one year and which we eventually turned in to a referendum Bill when our call for national dialogue fell on deaf Jubilee ears.

We discussed the strengthening and entrenchment of Devolution, protection of Civil Society and the media and electoral reforms to ensure that election results reflect the wishes of the voters and the electoral body, the IEBC, earns the respect and trust of the people of Kenya.

As Opposition, we remain energized and determined more than ever to push the agenda for an honest, corruption free government, inclusivity, gender parity and equitable sharing of the nation’s wealth. The rest of the issues are contained in the memo.

Many of the President’s words will, or should long live with us and inspire us to action in the interest of our country. The President said a time comes when ordinary people have to stand up and say… enough-is- enough. This is truly a call to action, the kind of call that this country needs at this very moment. Enough-is-enough.

This call is not far from what we have been asking for. You will recall that when Hon Raila appeared on NTV on July 12, his words to the IEBC and to the entire country on the need for electoral reforms were that … “we turned the other cheek in 2013. IEBC must not expect us to do it again in 2017.” The theme is the same as President Obama’s. A time is coming when people will say enough is enough. That moment is fast approaching. It may well be already with us.

Thank you.

Learners Asked to Avoid Strikes

Education CS Jacob Kaimenyi has advised learners to avoid strikes and instead use alternatives to their grievances.

Kaimenyi says that strikes in learning institutions end up loosing property which affects development and the progress of the school.

Speaking on Monday at Jogoo House in Nairobi during the flagging off of the Kenyan scout which is headed to Japan for the scout conference, Kaimenyi asked students to use learning a tool to improve their lives. 

The CS has also called on students to focus on fundamental areas of specialization that will help them become productive, disciplined and innovative. 

Kaimenyi has also noted that many students have benefited dearly through co-curriculum activities in reference to scouting.

Over 11 participants drawn from 7 counties will take part in the conference which is set to start tommorow.   

Meet the Millionnaire Carlos Slim Helu

Ever heard of the world’s richest men? Well Carlos Slim Helu is one of the top three richest men globally. Slim is a 20th century style American entrepreneur who have faith in monopoly as well as old factory system and economies of scale rather than technology and innovation. He is a Mexican business magnate, philanthropist and investor. Between 2010 and 2013 he ranked top of billionaires as the world’s richest man being branded “the Warren Buffett of Mexico”

Early life and Education
Carlos Slim Helu was born of Linda Helu and Julian Slim Haddad on January 1940, 28 in the city of Mexico. Slim grew up wanting to become a great businessman. In fact he started to advance his investments and business skills at a very tender age.

He learnt the value of financial literacy, accountability and management from his father Julian who also taught him financial statement reading techniques as well as importance of financial records keeping, a practice he carries out in his daily chores up to date. 

Slim made is first investment at 11 years of age in a government’s saving bond. This taught him compound interest concept and then he began saving all the business and financial transactions he ever made in his ledger book that still exists till today. When he was 12, he purchased shares in one of the Mexican banks, being his very first stock purchase. He earned 200 pesos weekly while working in his father’s company at the age of 17.

Slim proceeded to National Autonomous University of Mexico to study civil engineering. During his time there, he also taught algebra and linear programming, so he was a student and a lecturer at the same time. He majored on civil engineering because of the interest he had in numbers, but he also displayed his fascination for economics. After his engineering degree, he went to Chile to pursue economics.

Achievement in Business
In 1965, Slim incorporated Inversora Bursatil and became the chairman of the Board of Directors. He also acquired Jarritos del Sur and integrated Carso, establishing the foundation of what later became the Grupo Carso.

In 1967, he founded and headed Promotora del Hogar, a real estate company in South America. A year later, Slim also acquired Mina el Volcan SSG Inmobiliaria, S.A. In 1969, three of his new companies Bienes Raices Mexicanos, S.A, Invest Mentor Mexicana and Nacional de Arrendamientos started to operate. 

In 1980, he formed Grupo Galas which is known as Grupo Carso today. From 1982-1984, there was economic crisis in Mexico, but Slim continued investing in companies like Sanborns, Reynolds Aluminio, General Tire and many others.

In 1884, Carlos Slim Helu acquired 40 percent of British American Tobacco, Bimex, S.A, 33 percent of Anderson Clayton and Hulera El Centenario Firestone. He also managed to buy Seguros de Mexico, currently known as Seguros Inbursa and then incorporated Seguros de Mexico, Casa de Bolsa Inbursa and Fianas La Guardiana to form Grupo Financiero Inbursa.

His Fundacion Telmex was established in 1995, an organization that enlightens Mexico in terms of health, nutrition, education, culture justice, opportunities, disaster relief and environmental conservation among other issues.

In 1996, Grupo Carso split into 3 different companies, Carso Global Telecom, Invercorporacion and Grupo Carso. Slim bought Sears Roebuck in 1997. He continued to be very active in business, but his major focus on employment, education and health in Mexico.

Mr. Slim lectured in both public and private institutions and also in international organizations like Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA). He served as Vice Chairman in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the Chairman of Mexican Association of Brokerage Firm.

His business achievements is just an endless list. Other than business and work, Slim is a lover of history, nature and art. He is a great fanatic of baseball. In fact, he has written lots of articles on sports. His staggering success has achieved him so many awards and recognitions. Currently Carlos Slim Helu has a projected net worth of 76.4 billion.

Obama Hit on Kenyan Goverment Opposition

Kenyans including the opposition and the govt turned out in large numbers at the Safaricom Kasarani indoor arena on Sunday to listen to the U.S president Barack Obama's speech. 

Obama in his speech insisted that corruption was the biggest stumbling block to development in the country.

The U.S president added that there will be a better relation between Kenya and the U.S and that his govt will help in the fight against terror in the country.

During his three day visit to Kenya U.S president Barrack Obama has called on the opposition to put aside their interest and work with the current govt.

Speaking when he met the opposition at the Kasarani indoor arena, Obama told them that the current govt was legally elected and they should team up for developments. 

He met the opposition leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Martha Karua in the arena after addressing Kenyans.

Ngilu moves to court to block her case

Suspended lands CS Charity Ngilu together with six others, have moved to the high court seeking orders orders to stop EACC from investigating and prosecuting her over the Karen land saga.

Ngilu is facing eight counts including obstructing justice by hindering EACC officers from collecting evidence regarding fraudulent transactions in respect to 134.4 acres of land in Karen.

The suspended CS say that the law of prosecuting them is illegal since it was inserted without consaulting after the president called for the prosecution of those who were named in the 'List Of Shame'.

Ngilu has also added that the land she is in court over is a personal property and therefore EACC has to mandate to investigate the matter.

Either the DPP's offiece has recommended the charging of the chief land registrar, deputy chief land registrar, senior deputy director of survey and registrar of titles as well as the Telesource company directors for alleged land fraud.

Rapid Weight Loss Tips: Food

It sounds good to know that there are delicious foods that can help in cutting off excess weight. Again when it comes to weight loss it is simple mathematics, be sure to eat less of calories than that you can burn. Food that help you to feel satisfied for a long time can also help to shed extra body mass. Here are rapid weight loss tips on foods that can shape your body to the desired weight.
Beans is a filling food, less expensive and versatile too. It’s also a great source of protein. Other than being easy to digest, beans is also highly rich in fiber. When you eat it, you will feel full for a longer period of time and this stops you from excessive eating making you to shed a significant mass of the body.
If you begin all your meals with a plate of soup, it is more probable you’ll end up eating less and this cuts off the calorie level in your body by a greater extent. Provided that the soup is broth-based, it doesn’t have to be squashed or chunky. If you take a cup of soup, you get filled up fast and for a long. It is advisable to avoid dollops of butter and cream.
Pureed Veggies
Also in the rapid weight loss tips you are advised to supplement your diet with lots of veggies. It helps you to enjoy your meal while you cut on calories. Eating more of vegetables makes you lose weight fast. It is believed if you feed on a meal of pureed cauliflower or zucchini added to cheese and mac, you eat about 200-350 less calories.
Eggs and Sausage
If your breakfast is made up of pretentious foods, it may assist in resisting snack attack all through the day. The other effect of breakfast highly rich in protein is to make you remain full for the better part of the day ensuring you consume less of body calories builder foods and fats. As a result you start to lose weight.
Just like an athlete rehearsing before the big race, a half piece of grapefruit before a meal can greatly boost fat burning performance in the body. Additionally, it can possibly sculpt your middle by about one inch just in six weeks. Scientists have affirmed grapefruit’s powerful effect of fat burning leading to rapid weight loss. You will reap the benefit only if you stick to eating half of grapefruit before you have the morning meal.
Yoghurt Rich in Vitamin D
Of all the rapid weight loss tips, you can actually double them up when you supplement your regular diet with a mixture of Calcium and Vitamin D. With just four week on the two nutrients, you can lose fat two times more that those who do not take the meal.
Green Tea
Workout that is not supplemented with green tea might turn out to be a waste of time. If you maintain your daily exercise or routine at the gym and keep sipping at least a cup of green tea in your day, you get to lose more weight. The drink is so powerful because it comprises of catechins, an antioxidant deterring belly fat storage and additionally promotes rapid loss of weight. There are also other four teas that melts fats very fast. 

Sunday 26 July 2015

Serena Williams

Meet the American professional tennis player who has won more than thirty Grand Slam Titles as well as uncountable Olympic medals. Serena Williams was born on September 26, 1981 in Saginaw, Michigan. She began serious training for tennis at 3 years of age. 

The first major championship title Serena won was in 1999 and in 2003 she 

completed her Grand Slam career. Through her effort and success, Serena teamed 

up with her sister Venus and won several doubles titles. 

Early Life

Serena Williams is the youngest of the five daughters of Oracene and Richard 

Williams. She along with Venus her sister grew and trained together to become 

the greatest sports champions they are today. The determination of her father 

who is a former Louisiana sharecropper brought her success and that of her sister 


Serena ranked first in 10 and under division in 1991; she was also 46-3 on Junior 

United States Tennis Association. Because Richard wanted a sensible and better 

instructions for his girls to become professionals and successful in career, he 

moved his family to Florida from Compton. He let go some of his coaching 

responsibilities to Serena but kept on managing her career. 

Serena, the Tennis Star

In 1995, Serena became a pro and two years down the line she was ranked 

number 99 in world rankings having moved from number 304 in 1994. One year 

later, Serena graduated from high school and immediately inked 12 million dollars 

shoe deal with the Puma. 

In 1999, Serena beat her sister Venus in their family battle to first ever Grand 

Slam win capturing the US Open Title. This set the stage for high profile, and 

powered victories for Serena as well as her sister Venus.

In 2002, Serena Williams won the US Open, Wimbledon and French Open having 

beaten her sister Venus in the finals of all the three tournaments. A year later, she 

again captured her first Australian Open Title making her one of the 6 women in 

Open reign to finish a Grand Slam career. 

The Australian Open Title win fulfilled Serena’s wish to hold four different major 

titles. In 2008, Serena won the US Open Title the teamed up with her sister Venus 

to capture their second women’s Olympic gold medal in doubles, Beijing Games. 

Odds and Ends

All in all, Serena Williams also had some losses and scraps. In 2003 August, she 

underwent a knee surgery. Same year, September, Yetunde Price who is her half 

sister was murdered in California, Loss Angeles. In 2006, she seemed bitten with 

injuries and lack of motivation for keeping fit and completing in the same level 

she had before. Her tennis ranking slumped to 139. 

Serena Williams credited her religion faith as Jehovah Witness and also made a 

life changing journey to West Africa. This was followed by release of her new 

autobiography in 2009.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Bahati tena features secular artists Kaka Sungura and Wyre in new song

Kenya's renown gospel artist is on the airwaves again with a new release. Bahati is known for songs like Mama, Machozi and lover among others

This time Bahati has decided to go beyond the mark to feature secular artists, rapper Kaka Sungura and dancehall lovechichild, Wyre.

The song titled 'Kuchu-Kuchu' basically encourages you to work hard and not to give up then one day you will succeed.

Despite many people liking the song it is also raising questions on why Bahati decided to feature secular artists.

Bahati has either answered his fans saying that “I know people will talk, but before they judge, they need to remember that God did not come to save saints, but sinners,”. 

He also said through social media that Kaka Sungura and Wyre have something they want to God and that is why he featured the in the song. 

If you have not heard it so far catch it here....